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Career Coaching to

Take You From Uncertain to


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Are you a seasoned professional who is ​dreaming of a more fulfilling career but unsure ​of how to make it happen? 🧐

You've taken some steps, started looking at job listings and

even applied to a few.

But you're not really sure what job you're even looking for and your ​applications seem to get lost in the crowd. All you know is you're ​unhappy in your current role and are feeling lost and hopeless.

Frustrated young woman feeling stressed about financial problems.

You're frustrated because...

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  • You feel stuck in your current job but don't know ​what else you would do instead. 🤷‍♀️
  • You've scoured the web for career advancement ​opportunities - but nothing has truly resonated ​with you 👩‍💻
  • You're seeing other people thriving at work and you’re wondering what you're missing 🕵️‍♀️
  • You're struggling with the job search, and finding ​it difficult to promote yourself effectively in a ​different field 🙋‍♀️
  • You feel like you're doing all the right things but ​continue to be at a stand-still 🤷‍♀️
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You just found the guidance you need to ​take your career to the next level!

happy woman sunsets

Think of me as your BFF on the ​journey to help you conquer ​your fears and achieve a ​successful career change.

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It's time to say goodbye to:

  • Feeling hopeless that change is possible

  • Not knowing what career path you want to ​take

  • Fear of taking action and falling flat on your ​face

  • Hearing crickets from those job application ​submissions

  • Lack of support and encouragement

  • Worrying that you won’t be taken seriously

Imagine What It Would Feel Like

to have a clear career vision and the confidence to pursue your dreams, as well as...

Positive Young Woman Thinking

Shift your mindset

Take a closer look at where ​you're at and where you ​want to go. Then, take ​down obstacles like a boss ​by reframing your mindset.

Happy strong woman flexing muscles.

Evaluate your strengths

Discover your true calling ​by exploring your passions, ​values, and strengths, ​which act as the compass ​leading you on your ​journey.

Smiling Woman Using Computer, Wearing Wireless Headphones

Decide on a career path

Let's get you moving ​towards your dream job! ​Gain confidence to take the ​next step in discovering ​new, potential career paths.

So, how do we make that happen?



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Ready for a career with better work-life balance, ​higher pay, and where you feel truly valued?

My 1:1 coaching will help you move from feeling ​stuck and uncertain to confidently stepping into a ​fulfilling new role.

Together, we'll identify your strengths, explore ​career options, and create a clear action plan ​using my Dream Career Strategy.

With personalized guidance and accountability, ​you'll have all the support you need to make a ​smooth transition into a career you love.

Coaching session

Coaching Options

option 1: career clarity

This option is ideal for you if you seek guidance in identifying ​the new career you truly wish to pursue and want to clarify ​the next steps to turn that aspiration into reality.

🩷 Includes a 60-minute call plus action plan for $347.

option 2: Accountability & Action

This option is ideal for you if you have a clear vision of your ​desired career path, yet feel uncertain and require guid​ance and accountability to pursue your dream ​c​areer.

🩷 Includes 1 month of three 60-minute calls plus m​essaging support f​or $997.

option 3: LET’S make it happen

This option is perfect for you if you're prepared to take the ​leap into a new career! We will handle everything from ​options 1 & 2 while also focusing on networking, job applicatio​ns, interview preparation, and accepting job offe​r​s.

🩷 Includes 3 months of nine 60-minute calls plus messag​ing support for $29​97.

Excited Woman in the Office

What are

Clients Saying?

“Brittany is a true cheerleader with ​an enormous amount of insight ​and creativity. I started the session ​feeling unsure and left our ​meeting knowing exactly what my ​next steps should be. I HIGHLY ​recommend working with ​Brittany!!”

-Melissa G.

“Brittany gave me the insight, ​resources, and encouragement to ​take the next steps to achieving ​my goals. She not only ​encouraged me to make big ​changes but also celebrated my ​small wins. She opened my eyes to ​other avenues that I would have ​never thought of taking.”

-Trista H.

“Brittany is incredibly attentive, ​actively listening to understand ​her clients needs and goals...With ​her guidance, each week I ​developed more self-awareness, ​which helped me create more ​flow. Brittany has been a pivotal ​resource in my career journey, and ​I couldn't be more grateful for her ​support.”

-Cara N.

Hi, I’m Brittany!

I was just like you once...

unhappy but feeling stuck 😣

  • I spent nearly a decade in a teaching career that left me ​unfulfilled. After much soul-searching, I eventually decided to ​take a leap of faith and transition into an entirely new ​profession as a UX designer.

  • Since making my career shift, I've had many women reach out ​to me. They've shared that they're feeling unhappy in their ​current roles but are hesitant to make a big change, especially ​because they're unsure about what they'd do next.

  • The game-changer for me was adjusting my mindset and truly ​believing in my worth and ability to chase a career I'm ​passionate about.
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Get closer to your dream job

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Let me help you leverage your strengths and values to navigate a successful career change effortlessly.

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